The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has issued a statement following the announcement that actress Carrie Fisher’s cause of death was “sleep apnea and other undetermined factors.”

Her death reminds us just how dangerous sleep apnea can be, especially when it comes to heart health. Severe obstructive sleep apnea that isn’t treated can increase the risk of heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke.

According to Fisher’s autopsy report, the Chief Medical Examiner concluded that sleep apnea was part of the immediate cause of death. The report noted her history of “severe sleep apnea.” Atherosclerotic heart disease was listed as another condition. Multiple drugs also were found in her system.

Millions of men and women with sleep apnea are unaware of it and remain undiagnosed. Obstructive sleep apnea is a common but serious sleep disorder that repeatedly causes you to stop breathing during sleep. The stress it causes for your heart and brain can have harmful long-term consequences for your health.

Sleep apnea symptoms include loud snoring, gasping during sleep, fatigue, and sleepiness during the day. People with high blood pressure and those who are obese are also at risk. Talk to your doctor if you have symptoms of sleep apnea. Your doctor may refer you to a sleep center for help.

The most common treatment for sleep apnea is CPAP therapy. Other treatment options include oral appliance therapy and surgery. Proper treatment can restore healthy sleep and decrease the risk of cardiovascular death.