Why does it matter?

While you sleep, your body is busy healing, repairing, and actively preventing chronic diseases. Sleep apnea disrupts your sleep and all the work your body is doing to make sure you are healthy and refreshed.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition. It causes you to stop breathing multiple times during the night. Without treatment, it increases your risk of major health problems, like heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and depression. By treating your sleep apnea, you can lower major health risks and benefit from other results like fewer headaches, better skin, and improved intimacy. Better sleep also means a stronger immune system, lower risk of traffic accidents, and improved performance at work or school.

Treating sleep apnea stops your snoring and makes you feel less tired during the day. You’ll wake up less often and have better quality sleep. Your mood and concentration will improve, you’ll be more alert and active, and your overall quality of life will be better.

Your family and friends will benefit too! By addressing your sleep apnea, your bedpartner will no longer be woken by your snoring or other sleep noises, and your improved mood and increased energy will allow you to spend enjoyable time with friends and family.

Think you might have sleep apnea? If you have common symptoms, then talk to your doctor about getting a sleep test.

Taking control of your sleep apnea can improve you and your loved ones’ health and quality of life, so that you both can have better days and nights.