
7 05, 2024

Navigating caffeine’s effects on sleep and alertness

2024-05-07T16:53:51+00:00May 7, 2024|Caffeine, Featured, Poor Sleep|

For many people, caffeine offers a quick pick-me-up when fatigue sets in. Found in various forms like coffee, tea, sodas and energy drinks, caffeine's stimulating effects are well-documented, providing a temporary boost to alertness and mental acuity. However, caffeine can cause side effects and [...]

30 07, 2019

Five drinks to avoid before going to bed

2022-07-12T17:58:23+00:00July 30, 2019|Caffeine, Healthy Sleep Habits|

Are you having restless nights? There’s a chance your late-night beverage choice is having a negative effect on your sleep patterns. The wrong drink choice can affect your sleep quality, delay your body clock, fragment your sleep, and more. Here are several drinks that [...]

11 07, 2016

Caffeine fails to help you power through the work week

2021-04-29T18:38:21+00:00July 11, 2016|Caffeine|

Depending on coffee to wake you up each day is the wrong answer for your chronic daytime sleepiness. A new study reports that caffeine’s effect on alertness and performance dwindled after 2 days. Participants in the study were restricted to 5 hours of sleep [...]

16 04, 2015

Pure caffeine powder can be deadly

2022-07-13T18:50:11+00:00April 16, 2015|Caffeine, Parenting|

A new health advisory warns consumers that powdered pure caffeine can be dangerous and deadly. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine advises the public to avoid pure caffeine powder. Some retailers sell pure caffeine powder in bulk. It is marketed as a dietary supplement. [...]

15 11, 2013

Late afternoon and early evening caffeine can disrupt sleep

2021-04-29T18:37:14+00:00November 15, 2013|Caffeine, Poor Sleep|

That extra afternoon jolt of caffeine may be responsible for your tossing and turning at night.  New research looked at caffeine’s effects on sleep taken 0, 3, or 6 hours before going to bed. The study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine involved [...]

1 08, 2013

Sleep and caffeine

2022-10-06T16:14:24+00:00August 1, 2013|Caffeine, Poor Sleep, Sleep Deprivation|

Caffeine is a natural substance that can be extracted from plants. Natural sources of caffeine include coffee beans, tea leaves and cocoa beans. It also can be produced synthetically. Caffeine is a type of drug that promotes alertness. These drugs are called “stimulants.” Caffeine [...]

14 11, 2012

Energy drinks cause sleep problems in military

2022-07-13T18:52:39+00:00November 14, 2012|Caffeine, Military|

A government study examines the link between energy drink consumption and sleep problems among U.S. soldiers. Soldiers who consumed three or more energy drinks per day were more likely to report sleep problems. The study involved a group of over 1,200 soldiers deployed in [...]

24 08, 2007

Studies link caffeine to bad sleep habits and poor school performance in young teens

2022-07-13T18:54:53+00:00August 24, 2007|Caffeine, School, Teens|

Students may want to cut back on the caffeine as they go back to school. Research shows that consuming caffeine may affect the sleep and school performance of young teens. A recent study of 51 seventh-grade students shows that students who consume caffeine wake [...]

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