
16 08, 2022

The ‘Mind after Midnight’: People more likely to make bad decisions late at night

2023-01-17T19:54:33+00:00August 16, 2022|Circadian Rhythms, Depression, Mental Health, Poor Sleep, Suicide|

The “Mind after Midnight” hypothesis suggests that late-night wakefulness affects the brain, leading to changes that can make you more likely to view the world negatively, engage in harmful behaviors, and make impulsive decisions. We sat down with one of the study’s authors, Andrew [...]

20 07, 2020

Spotlight on sleep psychologists

2023-01-18T20:49:31+00:00July 20, 2020|Depression, Mental Health, Treatment & Therapy|

Sleep is connected with your mental health. When you don’t get enough sleep, your mental health suffers. Sleep deprivation puts you at a higher risk of having depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. And, sleep problems are more likely to affect people who [...]

19 02, 2020

How seasonal affective disorder disrupts sleep

2023-01-18T20:54:53+00:00February 19, 2020|Depression, Mental Health, Women|

Fewer hours of daylight and colder temperatures can impact your mood and your health. While many people feel less energetic in the winter, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is more than the “winter blues.” It affects your day-to-day life and your sleep. What is seasonal [...]

9 04, 2015

Depression and insomnia are linked to frequent nightmares

2022-08-22T19:07:14+00:00April 9, 2015|Depression, Insomnia, Mental Health, Nightmares|

A new study suggests that depression and insomnia are the strongest risk factors for having frequent nightmares. The study involved 13,922 adults. They ranged in age from 25 to 74 years. All of the study subjects answered a series of questions about their health. [...]

6 02, 2014

AASM doctors to answer your questions about sleep and depression

2022-08-25T19:24:30+00:00February 6, 2014|Depression, Healthy Sleep Habits, Poor Sleep|

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine is teaming with PBS NewsHour on Thursday to educate patients about sleep and its link to depression. In February, two studies published in the journal SLEEP looked at how poor sleep increases your risk of depression. Two AASM physicians, [...]

29 10, 2012

Multiple mood and anxiety disorders cause insomnia

2022-09-16T18:10:02+00:00October 29, 2012|Depression, Insomnia, Mental Health|

A recent study takes a look at the link between comorbid, or multiple mood and anxiety disorders occurring at the same time and insomnia. The study involved 517 people with comorbid mood and anxiety disorders. Other groups included people with no mood or anxiety [...]

3 04, 2012

Sleep-disordered breathing linked with depression

2022-09-22T16:54:11+00:00April 3, 2012|Depression, Mental Health, Sleep Apnea|

Snorting, gasping or stopping breathing while asleep has been associated with nearly all depression symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surveyed 9,714 Americans for a new study appearing in the April issue of SLEEP. The CDC determined that the likelihood of [...]

15 08, 2010

Sleep drug during depression treatment can solve insomnia symptoms

2022-09-30T18:12:17+00:00August 15, 2010|Depression, Insomnia, Treatment & Therapy|

Insomnia and depression are often closely related. The relationship can go both ways: depression can cause insomnia, and insomnia can lead to depression. Depression drugs are the front-line treatment for most patients, but as the bleakness of depression goes away the sleeplessness often stays. [...]

21 07, 2009

Obstructive sleep apnea & depression

2022-10-04T16:03:09+00:00July 21, 2009|Depression, Sleep Apnea|

A new study examined the rate of obstructive sleep apnea in people with major depressive disorder and insomnia. The study involved 51 people with both depression and insomnia; they were evaluated by an overnight sleep study. Results show a high rate of OSA in [...]

11 03, 2008

Living with OSA often involves a struggle with depression

2022-10-06T15:56:12+00:00March 11, 2008|CPAP, Depression, Sleep Apnea|

Living with a sleep disorder can be a battle of the body and the mind. It is easy to become frustrated when you have trouble sleeping at night or staying awake during the day. For many people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), this frustration [...]

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