
18 09, 2024

Is it time for a sleep divorce?

2024-09-18T13:34:56+00:00September 18, 2024|Bedroom, Men, Poor Sleep, Pop Culture, Relationships, Women|

Struggling to get a good night's sleep because of your partner's habits? You’re not alone. A new survey by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) found that 29% of Americans sleep in a different bed or room just to get some rest. In [...]

14 06, 2022

Is Fido a bed hog or a cuddle buddy?

2022-06-14T16:29:51+00:00June 14, 2022|Bedroom, Healthy Sleep Habits, Poor Sleep|

Many pets become a member of the family. In fact, according to a new survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, almost half (46%) of respondents sleep in the same bed with a pet. And while tales of dogs taking up the whole bed [...]

11 02, 2022

For Valentine’s Day, a good night’s sleep may be the best gift

2023-01-18T17:14:26+00:00February 11, 2022|Bedroom, Relationships|

With Valentine’s Day approaching, many may be pondering traditional gift-giving strategies. Maybe it’s flowers, chocolates, or jewelry? But consider this: As we continue to endure the challenges of pandemic living, perhaps the greatest gift you could give to your partner (and yourself) is a [...]

16 09, 2013

Sleepless in Japan: The capsule hotel experience

2022-10-06T16:13:01+00:00September 16, 2013|Bedroom, Travel|

I lay awake in a cramped fiberglass box, sleepless from the echoes of snoring that surrounded me. An alarm clock seemed to go off every time I started to fall asleep. I had made a terrible mistake in the name of adventure. Throughout my [...]

14 01, 2011

Artificial light at night may lower sleep quality, raise health risks

2022-09-28T18:43:24+00:00January 14, 2011|Bedroom, Healthy Sleep Habits, Treatment & Therapy|

Turn on the lights and turn off your health, a new study reports. Researchers claim exposure to bright room lighting at night can ruin your sleep and increase risk for high blood pressure and diabetes. The findings show the lights can suppress melatonin levels. [...]

16 04, 2009

How white noise and sound machines can help you sleep

2024-11-18T19:53:19+00:00April 16, 2009|Bedroom, Healthy Sleep Habits|

“White Noise” would have been a great name for an ‘80s rock band. Sort of a cross between Whitesnake and Quiet Riot. Instead it’s music to the ears of many people with insomnia. And like a popular rock band, white noise has a large fan base. Demand [...]

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