Daylight Saving Time

15 03, 2011

Why accidents increase after daylight saving time

2022-09-28T18:44:54+00:00March 15, 2011|Daylight Saving Time, Safety|

Was traffic noticeably slower on your morning commute these past couple of days? If so, blame daylight saving time. The “spring forward” is believed to cause a temporary spike in traffic incidents. A 1998 Canadian study found that auto accidents may increase as much [...]

10 03, 2011

Find sleep as you spring forward for daylight saving time

2022-09-28T18:51:03+00:00March 10, 2011|Daylight Saving Time|

Many people greet the onset of daylight saving time with mixed feelings. The unofficial end to winter is a welcome sight, but springing forward and losing an hour of sleep can be difficult. Plan ahead and ease into the time change starting tonight and [...]

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