Shift Work

5 08, 2010

Sleep usually sacrificed in early work schedules

2022-07-15T19:03:27+00:00August 5, 2010|Shift Work, Work|

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise, so starting work at the crack of dawn shouldn’t be that difficult, right? In theory it’s not, but modern lifestyles make the old saying unrealistic. The early risers rarely go [...]

15 06, 2010

Later shifts limit sleep, hurt productivity

2022-07-15T19:04:38+00:00June 15, 2010|Shift Work, Work|

The key to maximizing workplace productivity while minimizing fatigue may be scheduling shift start times that allows workers to sleep right before reporting for duty. New research suggests shifts that start in the late morning to early afternoon work best for employees. Start times [...]

25 04, 2010

Sleep problems often persist after shift work, not permanent

2022-10-04T16:12:29+00:00April 25, 2010|Shift Work|

There's some hope for folks ready to give up the struggle with the overnight shift: insomnia and other sleep problems often associated with those difficult hours may be difficult to shake when it's over, but it's not permanent. Research also shows more years of [...]

22 06, 2009

Overcoming jet lag with the help of a computer program

2022-10-05T18:10:46+00:00June 22, 2009|Shift Work, Sleep Disorders, Travel|

A new study shows that mathematical models can be used to design effective treatment schedules for jet lag. These models simulate the body's internal circadian clock and its effect on human performance. The study tested a new algorithm called the “circadian adjustment method.” It was implemented with [...]

4 06, 2007

Sleep deprivation affects air traffic controllers & other shift workers

2022-10-06T16:06:01+00:00June 4, 2007|Poor Sleep, Shift Work, Work|

A letter from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) sheds light on how sleep deprivation affects the job performance of air traffic controllers and other shift workers. The letter describes four instances since 2001 when an air traffic controller made a serious mistake on [...]

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