Sleep Deprivation

15 07, 2014

Interruptions, fragmented sleep may be same as barely any sleep

2021-04-29T18:38:18+00:00July 15, 2014|Parenting, Poor Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, Stress|

When parents of infant children talk about their lives, you’ll hear words like “exhausting” or “hellish” nearly as often as “miraculous” and “life changing.” New parents have notoriously disturbed sleep. Whether the crying is for a feeding, a diaper change or nothing at all, [...]

23 06, 2014

Sleep loss has a steep cost for your health

2022-08-25T19:38:33+00:00June 23, 2014|Healthy Sleep Habits, Sleep Deprivation|

Failing to get enough sleep does much more than slow you down or make you grumpy. It is destructive to your overall health. USA Today spoke with sleep experts and discovered that if you don't snooze, you lose. American Academy of Sleep Medicine President [...]

16 06, 2014

Most U.S. teens are still losing sleep

2022-08-03T19:33:38+00:00June 16, 2014|School, Sleep Deprivation, Teens|

New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirms what most high school teachers already know: U.S. teens aren’t getting enough sleep. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that teens get a little more than nine hours of nightly sleep for [...]

12 06, 2014

AASM warns against drowsy driving

2021-04-29T18:38:18+00:00June 12, 2014|Drowsy Driving, Poor Sleep, Sleep Deprivation|

A highway collision that left comedian Tracy Morgan in critical condition and killed his mentor is shedding light on the tragic consequences of drowsy driving. Drowsy driving causes more than 100,000 crashes and 1,550 deaths on American roads each year. “Drowsy driving is a [...]

2 05, 2014

Poor sleep could affect survival time for women with breast cancer

2022-07-19T20:11:41+00:00May 2, 2014|Cancer, Sleep Deprivation, Technology, Women|

A new study shows that sleep efficiency (SE) is predictive of survival time for women with breast cancer. Sleep efficiency is the number of minutes of sleep divided by the number of minutes in bed. New research involved 97 women with advanced breast cancer. The [...]

1 08, 2013

Sleep and caffeine

2022-10-06T16:14:24+00:00August 1, 2013|Caffeine, Poor Sleep, Sleep Deprivation|

Caffeine is a natural substance that can be extracted from plants. Natural sources of caffeine include coffee beans, tea leaves and cocoa beans. It also can be produced synthetically. Caffeine is a type of drug that promotes alertness. These drugs are called “stimulants.” Caffeine [...]

5 07, 2013

Late bedtimes may lead to extra calories and weight gain

2022-08-25T19:53:42+00:00July 5, 2013|Poor Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, Weight|

Here’s a finding that will make you reconsider your bedtime: the later you stay awake, the more likely you are to lose sleep, eat more calories and ultimately gain weight. It’s a no win proposition for night owls, who are already prone to certain [...]

1 01, 2013

Seven signs you may need more sleep

2022-09-13T18:33:30+00:00January 1, 2013|Poor Sleep, Sleep Deprivation|

Most adults need about seven to eight hours of sleep each night to feel alert and well-rested during the day. Failing to get enough sleep can have a severe effect on your health and performance. If you have  noticed any of the following signs, [...]

18 12, 2012

Sleep deprivation disrupts regulation of body heat

2022-09-13T18:38:34+00:00December 18, 2012|Insomnia, Poor Sleep, Sleep Deprivation|

In people that are well-rested, spontaneous fluctuations in skin blood flow occur in a coordinated way all over the body, resulting in simultaneous small changes in the same direction in the temperature of hands and feet. Sleep deprivation disrupts this coordination, according to a [...]

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